Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby Shower Tea

"A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend". 
I absolutely believe this to be true in my own life. My mom is my best friend and I am so thankful for her. Now that I have my own daughters, I pray that they will be my friends when they are grown. Speaking of friends, it was an honor to shower my dear friend Britney as we celebrated the arrival of her sweet baby girl, Juliet Nicole.  Hosted by friends and family, Britney was surrounded by people who love her. Guests hand typed words of encouragement and memories of Britney to put in her baby book. Lunch was beautifully displayed  with scones, lemon curd, cream and tea sandwiches served on mismatched china. My mom made a beautiful fabric banner which paired perfectly with our baby carriage filled with presents. It was a wonderful day and I'm excited to say that Britney had her baby girl yesterday (december 4th)! Congratulations Britney, may your home be filled with love and joy as you raise your sweet children.